
Tag Archives: Kathryn John


‘Start by not knowing’, the Dove Arts artists’ residency in June, turned into ‘SixUnravel’ for the presentation of our work. Here is some of it.

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Bird Masks by Sophie Willoughby and modelled by the public

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Shannon Leah Watson’s workshop ‘Can you teach me how to knit’ – dishcloths made from torn up charity shop pillowcases (Sue Palmer’s video on the screen)

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Kathryn John’s signpost, which bemuses the dog walkers that come through on the footpath,

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Fiona Hingston’s ‘Wigwork’; on the left as featured in Sue Palmer’s video, and right, modeled by one of the knitters….

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Sue Palmer’s video ‘Who is this, who is coming?’

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and Bron Bradshaw’s Tree Guardian.

Also on the meadow: the extraordinary Treehouse Library, finished in the nick of time,  with its display of specially commissioned books


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The Handwritten Word

July 14 & 15 2018

Tutor: Kathryn John

At Dove Studios, Butleigh

Course times: 10am – 4pm


When was the last time you sat down and wrote with ink and paper? Scribbled out a misspelled word or found spots of leaked ink upon your fingers from a malfunctioning pen?

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At a time when our lives and lists, stories and notes have become part of a digital world we will spend a weekend together getting back in touch with the flow of the handwritten word. We will explore using experimental processes to get us moving and making marks.

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Sgraffito with charcoal rubbed in

With full permission to get it wrong, to make a mess, we will return to the joy of what it is to write with our whole bodies and not just the tips of our fingers. Using handmade vegetable, oak gall and berry inks and a variety of writing instruments – including handcrafted tools!

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Kathryn John: homemade beetroot ink written with a stick

We will re-find the beauty in own scripts, along with cheating our way to some mouthwatering calligraphy. A fun workshop that will begin with us exploring the land at The Dove for inspiration, and end with us taking home a finished handwritten piece of work and a renewed love for our own handwriting.

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Kathryn John’s handwriting on the Dove Arts flyer (homemade oak gall ink)

If you are interested in coming on this course, please email, or message dovearts on facebook.